At no other time have individuals and businesses shared more information and knowledge on such a global scale. Consequently, the importance of properly translating your message has grown equally in importance. This is where proper translation – using only highly qualified expert translators – plays a pivotal role.

This is evidenced by the fact that over 300,000 professional translators work in the world today, with the five most common targeted languages being German, French, Spanish, English and Japanese. The top five source languages are English, French, German, Russian and Italian.

But not all translators are equal.  Whether the scope of work includes technical documents or in-house memos, the best route to ensure proper translation is to partner with a language services company (LSC).

As an LSC, the team at TrueLanguage understands the technical needs you have and how to translate your products and services into multiple languages creating a powerful platform for engagement and interaction.

As your strategic language partner, we assist you on how to effectively communicate your message in different languages. Through our detailed process workflow, centralized project management, translation technologies and quality assurance standards, we provide efficient and accurate translation to our clients.

Proper translation is an integral part of a global business and most companies are not large enough to support an internal translation and localization department. This is where TrueLanguage makes the greatest difference – we become an extension of your team.

From translation and proofreading to desktop publishing and project management, we at TrueLanguage are focused on every aspect of your language needs. This means going beyond pure language and grammar to tone, awareness of context, and cultural sensitivity. You can’t always anticipate what might come up as an issue. Maybe you’re translating a document about competitive dancing into a language that, for cultural reasons, doesn’t have a word for dancing (we’ve been there). Or you’ve produced a document in a language where men and women have notably different tones, and you have to redo it because it reads as too feminine (we’ve been there, too). Or your translator abroad doesn’t follow American baseball, and translates “Home of the Braves” as “Home of the American Indians” (good thing we’re an Atlanta company).

We use our intuitive technology to appropriately translate your documents for whatever local language you need. As an LSC, we provide the option to conduct an in-country review in the final stages of the translation process.

TrueLanguage process ensures you say exactly what you mean.  We understand that translation plays a growing role in getting it “right” – ensuring your employees get the right message, that your training is on point and that your marketing hits the target. 

For more information on TrueLanguage business translation services,  or have questions on the importance of proper translation, request a FREE quote today or call us now at 1-888-926-9245