Sign language interpreter hands

Updated September 2022.

Why does America need language translation services? America is known as a melting pot, bringing the cultures and nations of the entire world together to prosper in freedom and equality. So, shouldn’t it then also be the most diverse nation in the world? Especially in regards to languages? Well, yes, it should… but is it? Many businesses limit themselves by offering services in English only. Don’t let yourself get caught in this hole. Make language translation services a vital part of your business plan, so you don’t get stuck. They’ll become part of the bedrock of your successes and help you reach all of America’s multilingual demographics.


America has a diverse makeup of people and languages, starting on the west coast with its heavy influences from China, Japan, Korea, and elsewhere in Asia, going all the way down and further back to the region’s Mexican and Native American roots. Heading through the center of the country you’ll find more Spanish speaking communities, while encountering German, Polish, Gaelic, Russian, Swedish, French, and even African languages. On the east coast you’ll find an even more complex combination of all of these languages and more, while English remains a de facto common tongue.

Wouldn’t it be great if companies large and small were to embrace a wider variety of languages and cultures? This would enable you to increase your clientele globally, while still maintaining a focus on your local clients. By broadening your language base, you’ll be able to aim your services at many potential clients who wouldn’t have been available to you before.


Language diversity is equal to the cultural diversity spanning America, and it’s up to you to not exclude these demographics and, therefore, maintain your credibility. These language needs will also bleed over to your own team. As America’s workforce becomes increasingly multilingual, both at home and through outsourcing, you’ll find it beneficial to be able to communicate with your team in multiple languages. This is becoming a more integral part of corporate culture by the year. The sooner you define for yourself exactly what you want to gain from hiring language translation services, the better. That’s when you can start deciding which languages and demographics will be the best for your growing business to target.


Although you’re bringing new languages into your company with the expectation to broaden your reach around the world, don’t discount the possibility of bringing it back home. Yes, reaching the global market is a pivotal part of your company’s growth, but American companies must begin to incorporate language translation services into all their stateside business if they wish to thrive. America represents one of the very largest shares of the world market, and it’s just as fertile ground for growing your business through language services as all those markets overseas.


If expanding to a multitude of countries isn’t your thing, that’s okay, but you’ll still have to consider bringing in language translation services to improve your game locally. Even without moving onto foreign soil, language services are a great tool for understanding more about your business model and how it relates best to the surrounding community.

It’s your business, so all decisions rest with you. But the question is, why wouldn’t you translate into another language, or several, when American communities are growing ever more diverse? Find out what local cultures you have around you that are thriving—Mexican? Brazilian? Japanese? Chinese? German? Polish? Knowing which foreign cultures are most prominent in your area will help you choose which language to incorporate into your business model.

So that’s why you need language translation services in America – because it’s America. This country is full of great opportunities for all who come here, and for all who are already here. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to bring a little of the American kaleidoscope into your business. If you do, you’ll be ahead of the game at home, with the potential to further your outreach across the globe.

Consider a Partnership with TrueLanguage
Are you looking for a partnership with a language service provider? If so, you may wish to consider TrueLanguage. We offer ISO-certified state-of-the-art business translation services that are on budget, on time, and to the exact specification. Every time. Or perhaps you’re just looking for a cost-free, no-obligation estimate for your next translation project. Either way, we’d love to hear from you!