Training is a requirement, no matter what type or size of business you are in. If there are five employees in your organization or five thousand, they all have to be trained for their specific functions, as well as cross-trained in other functions, to cover when someone is out. There are many types of training that can be utilized, from lectures to handbooks, but there is one type of training that outshines them all. eLearning.
eLearning is learning conducted via electronic media, most often online. It engages the use of multiple types of media, which can stimulate more than one sense at a time, proving to be more effective at gaining and holding the attention of the learner. So, what are the specific benefits of multimedia training?
Flexibility and Convenience
Fitting new training in around current work responsibilities can be a real challenge. Using online multimedia training can be the answer to the flexibility that your employees need to stay on track while training. Being able to train online around their own schedule gives employees the opportunity to fit the training into their productivity workflow however best suits the situation. eLearning allows your employees to suspend and revisit the study materials at their own convenience and within a flexible time frame. It is especially helpful in disseminating learning materials to your global workforce, already translated into their language and with their culture in mind.
Diverse Teaching Materials
The multimedia platform of eLearning delivers teaching materials through the diverse methods of text, music, photos and pictures, animation and interactive modules. All of these can improve your employees’ ability to learn, and to retain the knowledge they’ve learned. For example, supporting text with audio, video, and interactive learning tools helps reinforce the information and reaches a wider demographic in terms of learning styles. Text-only or lecture-only training just can’t compete with multimedia training in this regard.
Increases Learning Effectiveness
Approximately 65 percent of people are visual learners, which makes the video component of eLearning essential to increasing engagement. Video content delivered in an episodic format is known to increase the retention of knowledge by dividing the learning into manageable portions. Knowledge retention empowers employees to better do their jobs without additional instruction. This facet of multimedia training leads to higher quality, lower incidence of quality issues, higher customer satisfaction, fewer issues with retraining, and an easier go of it for the managers at your local facilities.
Reduces Training Costs 
Multimedia training can reduce the costs of your training department in numerous ways. It reduces the time it takes to learn, thereby reducing costs. The Hudson Institute of Indianapolis has conducted research that concluded an average of 40% time reduction when using online learning and multimedia as opposed to more traditional methods. In addition, using multimedia online training reduces travel and accommodation costs and delivery costs. There are a myriad of ways in which multimedia training reduces the costs of overall training, productivity, and other expenses.
Multimedia training is the most cost-effective, efficient way to train your employees around the globe. Using a language service powerhouse like TrueLanguage is the best way to achieve your training goals. Not only can they translate your materials into whatever language you need, they can adapt them for the cultural conventions of your learners to prevent any misunderstandings. Once your multimedia training materials are ready to go, TrueLanguage translates and interprets the training into the various languages spoken around your organization. We can also help translate your marketing materials, corporate communications, and more. Request a FREE quote today or call us now at 1-888-926-9245