Cultural and Linguistic IQ in Business: A Definition

Cultural and Linguistic IQ in Business: A Definition

In today’s globalized economy, cultural and linguistic intelligence (CQ and LQ) are indispensable for businesses to succeed. With globalization, businesses are constantly interacting with people from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. It is essential...
Transcreation: The Art of Creative Translation

Transcreation: The Art of Creative Translation

The translation industry is not limited to just rendering text from one language to another. In today’s globalized world, companies are increasingly looking for ways to connect with their target audience on a deeper level. This is where transcreation comes in...

What We Translate

TrueLanguage:What We Translate Contact us If your customers or employees are all over the world, you have to be able to communicate with them in their language – accurately, effectively and relevantly. TrueLanguage is committed to providing high quality translation...
Asia Translations

Asia Translations

ASIA Asia is home to a vast number of languages, with estimates ranging from around 2,300 to more than 6,000 distinct languages spoken across the continent. Some of the most widely spoken languages in Asia include Chinese, Hindi, Bengali, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, and...