TrueGlobal™ and LocalVoice™

Let’s say you need professional translation services for localizing your organization’s key materials for readers in several countries. There are two approaches to this particular challenge – which one works best for your project? The TrueGlobal™ Standard for...

Translation Apps: What Can They Do?

Updated September 2022. Topic: Translation apps. Top-quality language services require a human touch. There can be no doubt about this. Yet it’s impossible to discount the value of technology to the localization industry. Not long ago, we blogged about the various...

Why Does America Need Language Translation Services?

Updated September 2022. Why does America need language translation services? America is known as a melting pot, bringing the cultures and nations of the entire world together to prosper in freedom and equality. So, shouldn’t it then also be the most diverse nation in...

Common Language Identifiers

Are you familiar with standard abbreviations used when referring to the languages of the world? These are know as language identifiers. For example, English is abbreviated as en, and Spanish is abbreviated as es. But did you also know that there are standard...