Translation for Training Outsourced Employees

Updated September 2022. Topic: Translation for training outsourced employees. More companies are outsourcing work today than ever before. That’s because it’s easier to communicate with people around the globe today than it ever was in the past. Now you can...

e learning and training

E-Learning and TrainingTranslation Services With TrueLanguage, your training investment isn’t lost in translation. Request a QuoteLearn More E-Learning and Training Translation Services With TrueLanguage, your training investment isn’t lost in translation. Request a...

Foreign Language on the Campaign Trail

In the United States of America, there is no official language. That’s all there is to it. English has enjoyed a privileged status for a couple of centuries, due to the number of native English speakers in positions of power and influence. But the English...
As Language Shifts: Will English Remain on Top?

As Language Shifts: Will English Remain on Top?

The English language owes its centuries of global dominance to the fact that it is the principal spoken language, if not always the official one, of some of the world’s most powerful nations—namely the US and the UK. English is a major lingua franca for the...

How to Save Money on Cross-Lingual Training

Having your company go global can come with its own unique set of obstacles. You’ve got cultural issues, new government regulations, new competition and so forth. But the biggest obstacle is overcoming the language barrier. You’ve likely got new, local...