business etiquette

When it comes down to it, excelling in the business world is all about building strong networks with those you meet. Networking is key and, often, partners are secured from these solid relationships.   

As our world and job market become more globalized, international business is not an unusual concept to most people in the corporate world. However, for your company to stay successful in international business, you have to utilize the proper relationship building and etiquette. It’s easy to assume that everyone in the world speaks English as we do and conducts business in the same manner. That, however, just isn’t so. But you need not worry!

If you plan on entering your company into the global marketplace, we have gathered tips for conducting business properly in some of the most prominent business-minded countries around the world.


  • Formal business attire is necessary.
  • Punctuality is key.
  • Business cards are presented with both hands and a head nod; this is a very formal practice. You should put the card someplace special, like your breast pocket.
  • You should not refuse food/drink items offered by the host.
  • Never give feedback or criticism in public.
  • Do not push for a final decision in a meeting. After the meeting, the group meets to come to a collective decision.


  • It is not considered rude to be slightly late.
  • For business meetings, you either greet each other with a handshake or, if prompted, fold your hand and say “Namaste” to start the meeting.
  • It is expected that all attendees of a meeting accept the offered tea, water, and coffee.
  • Business meeting are social.
  • Expect small talk before getting to the point of the meeting.


  • There is a huge stress placed on your appearance. Your hair and nails should be neat and well kept, and your clothes should be formal.
  • This is hugely important, especially at first: You don’t want to jump right into business. The conversation usually starts off light, then take a natural turn toward business.
  • In business meetings, it is usually the norm for associates, even of the opposite sex, to greet each other with a kiss on the cheek.
  • Meetings usually start late.
  • Small cups of espresso-like black coffee are served before most meetings.


  • You should always show up either early or exactly on time.
  • Give business associates plenty of space. Hugging, touching, and kissing on the cheek are reserved for friends and family.

It is also important to remember that, when you plan to meet or share materials with these potential associates, you need to come equipped. If you prepare documents, legal paperwork, and marketing materials in their native langue, you will come across as serious and prepared.

Lean on a professional translation service to provide your company with material that is clear and culturally specific to your future business partners. You want to make sure that all the awesome things your company is doing, and the policies and procedures, are clear and understandable to an international audience.