eLearning Trends to Watch in 2022Over the last decade, the eLearning industry has seen significant growth as people turn to the internet for valuable and accessible educational growth opportunities. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, eLearning has become even more sought after following the shift to remote learning and remote work. Online learning platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and Skillshare offer a variety of materials for several industries. Users can easily arrange their schedules to take courses without needing to consider the cost of commuting or textbooks. Universities are also creating more online classes as people turn to digital learning to develop new skills to keep up with the evolving labor market. 

With quality learning opportunities so easily accessible, experts anticipate the eLearning industry to grow from an estimated $250.8 billion in 2020 to $457.6 billion by 2026. Let’s explore some of the top eLearning trends to watch for in 2022.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been around for a long time and continues to emerge as a valuable tool in various use cases. In the field of eLearning, AI is proving to be particularly useful for making learning more accessible to everyone through the implementation of language processing algorithms that generate live speech subtitles, provide dynamic descriptions for visual content, and guide virtual assistants as they help users access courses. 

Additionally, AI supports greater personalization in eLearning. In 2022, this will allow users to customize their lessons according to their interests. With AI, the possibilities are endless.


Gamification, or incorporating gaming tactics into eLearning, is a great way to boost learners’ participation and engagement. This tactic makes learning more enjoyable and motivates learners to get and stay involved through simulations and a task-oriented approach. In 2022, more eLearning experiences will likely incorporate storytelling and visually appealing designs into their platforms to draw in users. Additionally, gamification will encourage players to learn new concepts through a challenging and competitive environment, while rewards will incentivize them to continue playing and learning.

Video-Based Learning

TikTok and YouTube are prime examples of how videos can captivate audiences for hours. Educational videos are a helpful approach to engaging some learners. Videos offer a flexible, on-demand learning experience where users can easily learn on the go and start and pause lessons when necessary. These videos can also be created to appeal to specific interests and demographics. In addition, multi-language subtitles offer educators the opportunity to expand their reach to users throughout the globe. 

One of the biggest advantages of video-based learning is that it allows users to actively participate in the material they’re learning. Interactive video engages directly with the content to immerse users in the learning experience and familiarize them with the educational material. 

Augmented and Virtual Reality

As technology advances, people are growing less interested in learning via textbooks and paper handouts. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are growing in popularity in the eLearning world as they offer interactive enrichment opportunities. AR and VR create a more interesting, engaging, and enhanced learning experience in an imagined or replicated world. Users can hone in on their virtual learning activity without the usual external distractions. This active learning process can also help users gain hands-on experiences, interact with content, and gather insights into real-life, real-time situations. 

There are a lot of exciting trends on the horizon in the eLearning industry. eLearning creates the perfect opportunity to reach and educate a global audience on a wide variety of topics. Translation and localization services can enable you to create amazing eLearning opportunities that culturally and linguistically appeal to your target demographic. Whether you offer interactive eLearning materials or online courses, TrueLanguage can help you translate and localize content to expand your reach. Our specialists are skilled at providing accurate and reliable translations and localizations. Contact us today to get started.