In a world where English is everywhere, is translation still important? Is it necessary? Yes! People still want to...
Why Should I Care About Proper Translation?
At no other time have individuals and businesses shared more information and knowledge on such a global scale....
12 Tips to Writing for Translation
Writing for translation begins with creating a quality source document. While the standard rules for well-written...
What Is An In-Country Review and Why Does Your Company Need to Implement It
Translations are an integral part of any global business. Most companies are not large enough to support an internal...
4 Best Practices for Global Communication
The linchpin of any company or organization is always communication. Corporate communication is a challenge even among...
How to Build a Healthy Corporate Culture in a Multicultural Company
Building a healthy, positive, engaging, and sustainable corporate culture is difficult, even when all of your...
The Benefits of Multimedia Training
Training is a requirement, no matter what type or size of business you are in. If there are five employees in your...
3 Training Initiatives That Benefit Your Organization Across the Globe
Every organization strives for excellence, to be the best at what they do in their field. But with constantly changing...
Corporate Training for a Diverse Group of Learning Styles
Corporate training used to be monochromatic. It consisted of either a single trainer delivering OTJ training to only...