Global team coordination across different countries, time zones, and languages involves numerous challenges and benefits. Here are some best-practice tips.
How to Create an e-Learning Course
You generate numerous benefits when you create an e-learning course. It’s a format that allows students to learn at...
Why You Need SEO Translation as Well As Website Translation
After you decide to add website translation to your company's webpage, it's time to expand your SEO strategy to your...
TrueGlobal™ and LocalVoice™
Let’s say you need professional translation services for localizing your organization’s key materials for readers in...
Interpretation Services: Onsite or Phone?
Updated September 2022. Topic: Should you use onsite or phone interpretation? In a previous blog about interpreting in...
Simultaneous Interpretation – How Do You Do That?
Reposted September 2022. Topic: Simultaneous interpretation. Featured Article from The ATA Chronicle (April 2010). How...
How to Select a Translation Company
Updated September 2022. Topic: How to Select a Translation Company. Have you had your lunch today? Unless you’re the...
Language Service Benefits: 5 Things to Help Your Company Grow
Updated September 2022. Topic: Language Service Benefits. A clear stream of revenue is bursting through your doors,...
Translation Apps: What Can They Do?
Updated September 2022. Topic: Translation apps. Top-quality language services require a human touch. There can be no...