How to Save Money on Cross-Lingual Training

Having your company go global can come with its own unique set of obstacles. You've got cultural issues, new government regulations, new competition and so forth. But the biggest obstacle is overcoming the language barrier. You've likely got new, local employees that...

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The A, B, C’s of Corporate Training

Training, when done right, has a direct and measurable effect on performance. Almost always, when you have issues with productivity or quality or customer service, it can be traced directly back to your training programs. Similarly, companies that excel in training...

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The Benefits of Multimedia Training

Training is a requirement, no matter what type or size of business you are in. If there are five employees in your organization or five thousand, they all have to be trained for their specific functions, as well as cross-trained in other functions, to cover when...

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Corporate Training for a Diverse Group of Learning Styles

Corporate training used to be monochromatic. It consisted of either a single trainer delivering OTJ training to only one or a handful of employees, or it involved a single instructor delivering lecture-style training to a group of employees. Today, we know better. We...

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Technical Documentation Translation

Perhaps one day, the world will enjoy a single, consistent language, across cultural and political barriers, making global communications seamless. In the meantime, most corporate literature, including technical documentation and training materials, is written in...

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