Taking Your Content Beyond Translation to Localization

A global product or service needs to present itself well to a variety of audiences around the world, and the way it achieves that presentation is through its content. If the content on your company’s website is available in only one language, it’s safe to say your...

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What is In-Country Review and Why Does it Matter?

When it comes to doing business overseas, you need to make sure what you are writing, saying, and promoting is culturally adapted and localized. There was a time when companies thought they could skip the all-important step of localizing for the target culture. If...

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Mind Your Capitals

If you were to do a bit of research on habits and methods of communication in 2019 as opposed to 1999, or even 2009, it’s safe to bet you would learn that people today are communicating with each other in writing more than at any point in history. This is true across...

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Is Learning Another Language Good for You?

Is Learning Another Language Good for You?

The short answer is yes! The study of foreign languages is extremely beneficial for everyone. Sure, there are the obvious benefits of connectivity and preservation of language, but there’s more. Learning another language is linked to cognitive acceleration and...

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TrueLanguage: In Good Business Company

TrueLanguage: In Good Business Company

What inspires business growth in a city like Atlanta, Georgia? Three things: vision, passion, and energy. These are exactly what Uli Dendy, CEO/President of TrueLanguage has. She has served on the Atlanta Business Growth Team for several years. This dedicated group of...

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As Language Shifts: Will English Remain on Top?

As Language Shifts: Will English Remain on Top?

The English language owes its centuries of global dominance to the fact that it is the principal spoken language, if not always the official one, of some of the world's most powerful nations—namely the US and the UK. English is a major lingua franca for the world, a...

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The Benefits of Global Translation

The Benefits of Global Translation

While English is a strong influence across areas like politics, finance, trade and commerce, and entertainment, it's no longer the world's most widely spoken language. Chinese, Arabic, French and Spanish share the stage with English as languages that the majority of...

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Machine Translation: Is It Useful?

Machine Translation: Is It Useful?

It's amazing to watch a machine translation tool such as Google Translate create a sentence in an instant. It's funny when the translation is nonsense. But bad MT (machine translation) can never be amusing when translation counts. So, is the solution to just get a...

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