Multilingual Typesetting – What’s the Deal?

You have the perfect brochure for your new project. It conveys the essential information about your product to the reader in a clean, professional manner. Yet it’s also attractive and engaging, catching the eye and drawing your clients in. It took you weeks to get...

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Breaking Through Language Barriers

It’s no surprise that so much of the new technology being produced is focused on communication. Every year, new versions of familiar devices appear on the market with updated apps and features to connect friends, family, and teams over long distances with ever greater...

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Foreign Language on the Campaign Trail

In the United States of America, there is no official language. That's all there is to it. English has enjoyed a privileged status for a couple of centuries, due to the number of native English speakers in positions of power and influence. But the English language has...

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Editorial and Content Style Guides

Do you need to create editorial style guides for your translations? Do you even need to create editorial style guides for your own writers? The article linked here clears up the second question. The TrueLanguage team certainly recognized ourselves in a few of these...

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The Evolution of Professional Translation Services

Have you ever wondered how the translation of our languages ended up where it is today? There was a time when written language simply did not exist. Language as we know it today began with signs and symbols. From there it evolved into increasingly complex writing...

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A Look at Resettling Refugees in the American South

Once a homogenous community, Clarkston, Georgia, just 20 miles outside Atlanta, is now considered “the most diverse square mile in America” according to The New York Times. How did this happen? What does it mean for the refugees who have resettled there and the...

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Document Translation Rules to Follow

Maybe you are a savvy businessperson who knows how to market and operate a successful business on a global stage. Maybe you are new to the idea of partnering with companies in foreign countries. Either way, when you send your valuable, and sometimes confidential...

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5 Great Translation Tips That Lead to Success

It’s easy to intuitively identify when a document or a speech has been poorly translated.  Poor translations come across as jagged or disconnected. Often, the original message has been misunderstood or misrepresented. Typically, personality and individuality have been...

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