How to Create an e-Learning Course

How to Create an e-Learning Course

You generate numerous benefits when you create an e-learning course. It’s a format that allows students to learn at their own pace. Additionally, online instruction supports a myriad of individual learning styles and needs. But bear in mind that you’ll need some time...

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Why You Need SEO Translation as Well As Website Translation

Why You Need SEO Translation as Well As Website Translation

After you decide to add website translation to your company's webpage, it's time to expand your SEO strategy to your translated content with SEO translation. Bear in mind that the measures you have taken to promote SEO in English do not automatically transfer over to...

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TrueGlobal™ and LocalVoice™

Let’s say you need professional translation services for localizing your organization’s key materials for readers in several countries. There are two approaches to this particular challenge – which one works best for your project? The TrueGlobal™ Standard for...

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Interpretation Services: Onsite or Phone?

Updated September 2022. Topic: Should you use onsite or phone interpretation? In a previous blog about interpreting in American Sign Language, we covered a number of important points about interpreting in general, but there's so much more that can be said about it. It...

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Simultaneous Interpretation – How Do You Do That?

Reposted September 2022. Topic: Simultaneous interpretation. Featured Article from The ATA Chronicle (April 2010). How Do You Do That? By Ewandro Magalhães. (Translated from the original Portuguese by Barry Slaughter Olsen.) The conference opens with an address in a...

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How to Select a Translation Company

Updated September 2022. Topic: How to Select a Translation Company. Have you had your lunch today? Unless you’re the type of person who makes the time at home to prepare a healthy, balanced and satisfying lunch to take to work (and kudos to you if you are), you’re...

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Translation Apps: What Can They Do?

Updated September 2022. Topic: Translation apps. Top-quality language services require a human touch. There can be no doubt about this. Yet it’s impossible to discount the value of technology to the localization industry. Not long ago, we blogged about the various...

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Legal Translation: What You Need to Know

Updated September 2022. Translating any document is a tough task, but, when you add legal wording and technical documents to the mix, the task of translating—whether to or from English—becomes that much more difficult. Legal translators are not only knowledgeable in...

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Translation for Training Outsourced Employees

Updated September 2022. Topic: Translation for training outsourced employees. More companies are outsourcing work today than ever before. That's because it's easier to communicate with people around the globe today than it ever was in the past. Now you can hop onto...

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