business languages

In the business world, if you haven’t already, there is a good chance that you will do business with foreign partners in the future. However, chances are those potential clients and partners will speak a different language.

When dealing with international business, it never hurts to educate yourself on the language and culture of your (hopefully!) soon-to-be business affiliates. You want to make a good impression and display that you are serious about the business.

Whether you are new to the corporate world, or a veteran, it helps to know the correct information about the global marketplace. Here we have supplied you with the top five most important languages, and cultures, for today’s entrepreneurs.

  • Spanish

In the U.S., it is highly likely that you will work alongside someone or do business with native Spanish speakers. The United States alone has over 35 million Spanish speakers, and there are over 425 million Spanish speakers worldwide.

Taking the time to learn the language will give you an advantage in the business world. But, please note, that there are major cultural differences throughout the Spanish-speaking world. Brush up on the norms of the country in which you plan to do business.

  • Portuguese

Brazil is a mega powerhouse and, if you want to do business there, you need to know Portuguese. The country is fuel independent, along with other things, which makes it a global player in the corporate world.

  • Russian

If you didn’t know, Russia’s capital Moscow has the highest billionaire population in the world. The country is rich in natural gas and oil, coal, and precious metals, and it is home to a large population of highly educated citizens.

Even though the language is based on the Russian alphabet, which makes it hard for English speakers to comprehend, this means that learning this language will give you an edge against your competitors.

  • Chinese

Mandarin is an essential language to know for business; its place in the economy makes it an obvious source for business opportunities for years to come.

Mandarin is the official tongue of China, although the second language is Cantonese. Both languages are beneficial to know; however, Mandarin is the top language worldwide (along with English) for business, with over one billion native speakers.

  • English

In the business world, English still remains top dog.  English is such a critical language, due to the businesses coming out of the U.S., England, Australia, and major parts of India.

It is important to keep in mind that, just because you’re a native English speaker, it doesn’t mean you have nothing yet to learn! Brush up on the different ways English is spoken throughout the world.

While learning new languages takes a lot of time and practice, this is not to say you cannot reach out to businesses partners in their own language. Translating your important business documents and marketing materials is essential when dealing with international business.

A professional translator will take your paperwork and website and turn them into a clear and concise format that your potential clients and partners are able to read.