Corporate Communications

The integrity of your business depends on clear channels of communication. You want your team connected at all levels, from the newest hires to the executive suite. Let language bridge the gap between all of your divisions – stay in touch with your team and your clients, wherever they are.

Contact Us!

Call us for a quote at 770.850.1205 or
enter your information.

    The TrueLanguage Advantage

    As your translation partner, we’re invested in your communications at every step, and we want to know their ins and outs as fully as you do. Your tone of voice, your style specifications, your distribution channels and schedule, your preferred media. Our integrated translation service lets you communicate with your team members anywhere around the word with the same level of ease you know at home – your message, in your voice, in any language you request.

    Translation Memory

    If you publish a weekly newsletter or a monthly magazine, you probably have a volume of content that gets reused again and again. Don’t worry about over-paying or double-buying – that’s what the translation memory is for. We keep a growing database of everything we translate for you, in every language. When a new project comes in for translation, we check the database to see what we can reuse. And if we find anything, you get a discount.

    +120 Languages

    You don’t have any time to waste when it comes to ordering language services, and we have a solution for that, too – the TrueLanguage Portal. Accessible through this website, the Portal gives you a direct line of contact with our project management team’s dashboard. Connect at any time to request quotes and orders, track your projects, retrieve copies of your deliverables, examine your total spend, and more. Use the portal to tell us what you need, in which languages, and when… and if you need it yesterday, we’ll work to make that happen for you.

    Your Style, Preserved

    Do you keep a glossary of special terms for use in your communications? If you do, that’s great news – we can carry it over into your new languages. Do you have style guides to give your content writers the proper tone? Let us make them accessible to our translators, and your company’s voice won’t be compromised. And if you don’t have a glossary or style guides? Guess what – we can help you create them.

    Contact us today, and we will provide a quote for your corporate translations.

    Call us for a quote at 770.850.1205 or
    enter your information.
