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It goes without saying that worldwide Internet use has completely revolutionized the way we do business these days. We’re not just talking about huge corporations or the companies behind today’s global super brands, either. Even small business owners and independent contractors are likely to come in contact with clients or customers who don’t speak the same language, so it’s easy to see why interest in professional translation services has been booming.

However, it’s one thing to realize that your business has reached a point where you need to find a translation company you can trust to help you communicate more effectively. It’s quite another to find one that’s right for you, your industry, and your company. Increase your chances of making a solid choice right out of the gate by considering the following things.

Experience and Reputation

When it comes to something as potentially delicate and detailed as translation, you definitely want to go with a company that can bring experience to the table. Use a provider that’s been in business for a long time – one that’s had the opportunity to work with lots of different clients and develop a reputation for excellence. Ask about the company’s standards and requirements for the translators they employ. Are they all properly credentialed and held to exacting industry standards?

You’ll also want to make sure that the company has sufficient experience when it comes to working within your industry. Does your company need a translation professional who’s well-versed in medical lingo or ultra-technical IT terminology? Verify that your provider has ample experience in delivering services like those. If you have special concerns in regards to accuracy, consistency, or special skills, make sure you determine the company’s track record in those areas, as well.

Access to Solid Technology

Good translation companies make it a point to cover all the bases when it comes to doing a thorough job for their clients. Yes, they must employ only the best, most qualified translation professionals. However, make sure you look into what kind of technology the company uses to complete projects.

Ask a rep from the company about their preferred software for translation, as well as for project management. Use of the industry’s best, most reliable technology not only helps ensure results that will meet even the most discriminating standards, but helps to reduce overall turnaround time. You’ll receive higher quality work in a timely, efficient manner – the ideal situation for any business owner!

Customized Services

The right translation companies will understand that not every company or client is going to be the same as every other. That said, you’ll want to steer clear of anyone who takes an impersonal, cookie-cutter approach to their work. No two entities are going to have an identical set of needs, nor are any two projects ever going to be exactly the same. You need a translation agency in your corner that can bring the power and versatility of a firm to the table, but which will approach each of your projects with the care and attention of an individual.

When considering a given agency for your translation project, approach a rep with an example of a situation they’re likely to encounter while working with your company. Ask for details about how they’d handle it, what software they’d use to complete the project, and how quickly they’d be able to get it done. You may also want to ask why your company should hire them instead of their competition. Make a note of each rep’s answer and take what you learn into consideration when making your final decision.

Good Personal Rapport

As is the case when bringing any individual or entity on board, in regards to your business, skill and ability are far from the only things that matter. You should also listen to your gut when it comes to deciding which of the agencies out there will be the most comfortable fit. After communicating with a rep from each, ask yourself which of the people you talked to was the easiest to communicate with. Which one seemed to share your team’s outlook as far as communicating with foreign clients? Which one’s work ethic was the most like yours?

At the end of the day, a good translation agency is more than just a company that can offer you access to skilled, experienced professionals. It’s also one that takes your work as seriously as you do, and shows it. Explore the possibilities today!