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 72286315The signs are all around us; we are quickly becoming a global community. Global travel is becoming more frequent, people are increasingly residing in places where the common language is not their first language and international businesses that strive to reach far away markets and target groups are growing at exponential rates. This is a very positive trend for global companies, but trying to deliver a clear message when you don’t speak the same language as your target market presents a special set of challenges. TrueLanguage thrives in helping you meet these challenges head-on. We ensure clear and accurate communication to any market you would like to reach.

Supporting our global customers with translation services is our core business, but we are more than a translation provider. We are a language service provider, which includes many other services, including consecutive and simultaneous interpretation. In addition to these traditional interpretation services, we are pleased to announce that, in response to market demand, we now also offer phone interpretation services.

102381514Some of our clients, especially those in the medical and legal fields, need immediate interpretation service without notice. They may have a call with a patient or a business partner and need support during the conversation. In this type of situation, we proudly offer our clients the opportunity to setup a proprietary hotline that connects to one of our interpreters in mere seconds. We can connect you to a Spanish interpreter within 12 seconds and to other languages (183 languages in all) in less than 20 seconds. No need to schedule these calls – just keep your proprietary number on speed dial.  If you prefer to schedule a call, we can accommodate that as well. Contact your project manager schedule the call with you. A minimum fee equal to 30 minutes applies to scheduled calls.

Please contact TrueLanguage for rates, languages and availability and let us support your global outreach efforts.