These days the best way to train your employees is usually through eLearning. It is a dependable method of training your employees, no matter where they are located around the world. Because eLearning is composed of various types of media, you may think that getting it translated for your global workforce is too complicated. However, if you partner with a professional language services company (LSC) like TrueLanguage, we can take all of your materials and translate them, not only accurately, but culturally as well. Here are 5 things to think about when beginning an eLearning localization project.

  1. Video Subtitling and Voice-Over


When we translate the narration and dialogue of your video, we present the text on screen for reading, just like subtitles in a movie. Or, we present the option of installing a new audio track, spoken in the target language in a voice-over. As each option has its own advantages as well as potential disadvantages, we leave that decision to the client, you. You may prefer subtitles, as that is usually the cheaper option. But, if your target audience tends to learn best by listening as opposed to reading, subtitling alone may not be the best option. In the long run, it might work better for your organization to invest in voice-over. And if there are any accessibility issues for those with aural and visual impairments, you may choose to do both.

  1. Transcription


Unless you can provide a script for your video that matches it exactly, you’ll need to have the video transcribed. Once transcription is done, we’ll have a full script available and ready for translation. The spoken lines will be associated with time codes, to help line up the final translation with the correct parts of the video. This is also a service we at TrueLanguage offer.

  1. Vocal Talent


 Because the vocal work on your training videos is a performance, you need professional performers to do it. We can provide that, so leave room in your budget for professional voice talent. If you prefer to use your own talent, be sure that accents, speech and breathing habits and any other minor vocal tics won’t be amplified in your employee’s headphones. In fact, it would be best if you gave us the opportunity to hear your talent’s voice and work before bringing them on board. If you have no local talent, we can provide you with a range of voices, in the language you need.

  1. In-Country Review


Once we’ve completed the work on your eLearning materials, it is highly advisable that you have an in-country reviewer go over the translations before they are finalized. You’ll have more security in your content. Any changes that need to be made before implementation will require little effort and no additional cost. However, if necessary changes are brought to light after the translation has been finalized and delivered will require more labor and time and the cost of the project may go up.

TrueLanguage can help with any type of eLearning your company uses. Whether it be strictly text or multimedia, our team has the skills and knowledge to provide you with complete translation on all parts of your project. Contact us today and get your eLearning quote!

  1. Cost and Timing 

Courses that include a large amount of multimedia files will call for a complex translation and eLearning localization process. It is important to plan these projects with enough advanced notice to meet your anticipated launch dates. In addition to considerations about time, you should also be considering the cost. Because there will be a lot of people involved (translators, transcribers, voice actors, etc.), you will need to think carefully about what your budget is going to look like. You should analyze your project closely and request a free quote by calling TrueLanguage or submitting a quote request on our website. We can help you know how much your project will cost you. For information on how eLearning localiazation can save you money in the long run, read our post How to Save Money on Cross-Lingual Training. For more detailed information on how we could help launch your business into the global marketplace, request a FREE quote today or call us now at 1-888-926-9245