Branching outside the US into other regions, nations, and cultures brings a host of challenges. Not only do you have to recruit and train workers for your overseas operations, you also have to provide top-tier marketing, legal services, and cross-company communications for seamless, effective, and efficient business at each and every location. TrueLanguage provides a host of language services, including translation and interpretation, across industries, nationalities, cultures, and languages. Here are a few of the ways we can help your business reach and excel in the global  marketplace.

Corporate Communications

Corporate communications encompass a wide range of literature that must be translated into the various languages your business now reaches. From staff and client magazines and newsletters to account plans, marketing materials like press releases, memoranda, surveys and forecasts, and even your videos and training materials — all these need to be translated into the new languages. But more than that, your materials in other languages endowed need to keep the same pizzazz they have in the original English. These language services assure you can keep all your teams and customers up to date on the happenings of your company.

Elearning & Training

From Elearning courses to presentations, training manuals and guides, to instructional films and other educational materials, you need to assure that your global workforce is trained with quality and consistency across the organization. TrueLanguage assures that the training materials you have so meticulously developed are translated and localized with the same attention quality, the same voice, and the same guiding perspective as the original English training materials. We understand the cultures, not just the languages, to avoid mistakes that lead to a breakdown in communications. This is true whether you’re training a few dozen new employees in Berlin, or several thousand across multiple continents. We offer language services in more than 120 world languages.

Marketing & Website Localization

Not only do your corporate materials like training guides and Elearning courses need to be translated, but you must also localize your website and marketing messages, to make them as effective in the new countries and languages as back here in the US. TrueLanguage can help you with translation of your brochures, magazines, catalogs, press releases, sales and marketing presentations, videos, website localization, blogs, mobile apps, and other digital interfaces. These services are more than direct translation — they assure that the marketing and sales messages play well to the local culture and are received positively across regions and various ethnic, religious, and social climates.

Technical Translation

Technical translation is among the most challenging corporate literature to translate, because not all technical terms have a direct translation into every language. Additionally, the technology discussed in the manuals may be very different from the technology employed in the countries where your company is branching out. TrueLanguage can ensure that your corporate technical translation is as easy to understand and clearly explained as it is in English. We can handle manuals, tech specs, operating guides, assembly instructions, parts listings, catalogs, and more.

Scientific & Medical Devices

Medical and scientific device translation calls for extreme precision and finely-tuned calibration of each product. TrueLanguage can help you prepare your scientific and medical devices for all your global markets. We can handle manuals, usage instructions, tech specifications, permits and licenses, warning labels, and catalogs. Our interpreters and translators are not just language specialists, they are experts in your relevant subject matter, encompassing a wide range of medical and scientific disciplines. Our more than 1,500 translators, field specialists  and native speakers of more than 120 languages, come from backgrounds in academics, clinical medicine, occupational health and safety, nursing, testing and research, and related disciplines.


Legal Translation

Legal translation can present a quagmire of problems if not handled correctly across national and local jurisdictions. Just as your legal documents must adhere to state and local laws here in the US, they must also comply with industry and government standards and regulations in other countries, municipalities, provinces, etc. TrueLanguage can help you adhere to the legal requirements regarding your contracts, patents, testimonies, depositions, sworn statements, decrees, and findings, and ensure not only the accuracy of the translated language, but compliance with any applicable local and national laws and.



Of all language services, interpretation is most critical when your home office headquarters needs to keep the conversation going with branch offices and remote facilities in other countries. TrueLanguage can pair you with native speakers in whatever target markets you need to reach across the global marketplace. We can handle translators for events attended by groups of any size, including hour-long presentations for a handful of employees and clients, or multi-day conferences for hundreds of participants. We can also connect you with the technology necessary to do this right, including soundproof booths, headsets, monitors, etc. And if you need interpretation services frequently and at short notice, ask us about our telephone interpretation service, available to you 24/7/365, from any location and device, in every language and sector we serve.

What are you waiting for? Connect with your global marketplace today with the business translation services experts from Request a FREE quote today or call us now at 1-888-926-9245